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Examine the contrasting rates, levels and patterns of adoption of Internet in the UK and China

China has been making relatively a greater progress in the Internet infrastructure in contrast to the United Kingdoms. In 2009, China already had 384 million total internet users, which accounted for 28.7% of the population, compared to 22.5 million in 2000, which accounted for 1.7% of the population. However, in 2009, the UK already had 70% of its population with access to internet. This time here, we are going to examine the various rates, levels and patterns of adoption of Internet in the UK and China. It is important to be aware of the fact that China is an developing country, while the UK is fully developed. The governments also have varied political views towards the expanding internet.

Firstly, as mentioned up front, the UK has a much higher level in internet access in contrast to China. However, the current rate of internet growth is greater in China. Secondly, the regional difference is more significant in China than the UK. To increase internet coverage in China, a government funded project has taken off to sell household electrical appliances in rural areas at a lower price. By the end of 2009, there are 106.8 million internet users in rural areas, which was an increase of 26.3% from 2006. In the UK, the rest 30%, who are not connected to internet, are a great concern as some private and public services have started to operate online. Level of internet access varies according to the level to globalization and development of a region, such as it is 80% in London, 62% in Scotland, and 66% in the North East.

In terms of government, China is concluded by an international group of academics in 2005 as "the most extensive and effective legal and technological systems for internet censorship and surveillance in the World". In 2009, China claimed that Google is spreading pornography. In 2009, Google in response announced that it was considering pulling out of China. In contrast, the government of the UK is anxious about the group of internet "havenots" who can lose connection with social progresses, and therefore very dedicated in the growth of internet coverage. in 2008, Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister at that time, planned to provide every schoolchild with broadband internet at home with a budget of 300 million. About 3 million people had a low speed of internet of less than 2 Mbps/s, the government plans to have 2Mp high-speed internet across the whole UK by the year of 2012. The government's effort does make a difference in the direction of what extent the internet reaches in a nation.

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